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Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources are free to use and offer students access to hundreds of quality academic papers, journals and books to help in your studies.

Make sure you have your ProQuest login details to hand. These can be found on Blackboard. Also, note you will be required to create a BookBoon account to access and download the textbooks.

Any questions or issues please contact our Librarian Luke Privitera -


  • Open Access - Ethics and Auditing - This text highlights the importance of making sure a business abides by its ethics and auditing practices.

  • Auditing and Assurance Standards Board - The Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB) is an independent, non-corporate Commonwealth entity of the Australian Government, responsible for developing, issuing and maintaining auditing and assurance standards.

  • Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board - The Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board (APESB) is an independent, national body that sets the code of ethics and professional standards with which accounting professionals who are members of CPA Australia, CA ANZ or IPA must comply. The APESB is equally funded by CPA Australia, CA ANZ and the IPA.