Open Educational Resources
Open Educational Resources are free to use and offer students access to hundreds of quality academic papers, journals and books to help in your studies.
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· BCcampus - Information Systems for Business and Beyond – This textbook is about Information systems and how they are used in a business and world setting.
· Pressbooks - Information Systems for Business and Beyond: A look at the technology, people, and processes of information systems - Welcome to Information Systems for Business and Beyond. In this book, you will be introduced to the concept of information systems, their use in business, and the larger impact they are having on our world.
· Open Textbook Library - Business Information Systems – a textbook to help introduce students to the business information systems and what would be expected when working in MIS.
· ProQuest - Business to Business Market Research - Business to Business Market Research provides an up-to-date reference source for all those involved in, or occasionally needing to know about, business to business (B2B) marketing research.
· Bookboon - An Introduction to Business Research Methods - This edition of the textbook not only provides an in-depth introduction to the field of business research for students, it also aims to prepare readers for practical careers as research consultants.
· Bookboon - The Basics of Business Models - This book introduces you to the basic knowledge you need to understand what business models are and how they can be analysed and communicated.
· Bookboon - Business Model Design - The field of business models is about to become a core management discipline alongside accounting, finance, organization etc.
· OpenStax - Business Law I - Business Law I Essentials is a brief introductory textbook designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of courses on Business Law or the Legal Environment of Business.
· Open Textbook Library - Fundamentals of Business Law - This book is an introductory survey of the legal topics required in undergraduate business law classes.
· Open Textbook Library - Business Law and the Legal Environment - This textbook provides context and essential concepts across the entire range of legal issues with which managers and business executives must grapple.
· Open Textbook Library - Foundations of Business Law and Legal Environment - The text provides the vocabulary and legal savvy necessary for business people to talk in an educated way to their customers, employees, suppliers, government officials — and to their own lawyers.
· Open Textbook Library - Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment - Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment provides students with context and essential legal concepts relating to the Uniform Commercial Code and various aspects of property law. The text provides the vocabulary and legal savvy necessary for business people to talk in an educated way to their customers, employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders — and to their own lawyers.
· OpenStax - Introduction to Business - The book provides detailed explanations in the context of core themes such as customer satisfaction, ethics, entrepreneurship, global business, and managing change.
· BCcampus - Fundamentals of Business - An introductory textbook in business that covers a variety of topics: The Foundations of Business, Economics and Business, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Business in a Global Environment, Forms of Business Ownership, Entrepreneurship: Starting a Business, Management and Leadership, Structuring Organizations, Operations Management, Motivating Employees, Managing Human Resources, Union/Management Issues, Marketing: Providing Value, Accounting and Financial Information, and Personal Finances.
· Open Textbook Library - Financial Management for Small Businesses - This book is for those whose financial management focus is on small businesses. For you, we adapt the traditional financial management themes emphasized in corporate financial management courses to meet the needs of small businesses.
· MarkLogic - Keynote: Transforming Compliance with Digital Labor - In this keynote, Michael Henry shows how organizations address this growing area of interest by using KPMG’s Digital Labor Automation Platform (DLAP), built on MarkLogic.
· International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management - Archive - Link to the main course page with the below link.
· International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management - Understanding impact of business intelligence to organizational performance using cluster analysis: does culture matter? - This paper aims to analyze the impact of the level of business intelligence maturity to organizational performance of the company.
· BCcampus - Digital Accessibility as a Business Practice - Most business leaders would agree that reaching the broadest audience is good for a business’s bottom line. A good portion of that audience will be people with disabilities. How, though, would an organization go about ensuring it is as accessible as it can be to all its potential clients or customers, including people with disabilities? This book has been created to answer this question, and to demystify “digital accessibility” as a business practice.
· Virginia Tech - Fundamentals of Business 4th Edition - is an 434-page open education resource intended to serve as a no-cost, faculty-customizable primary text for one-semester undergraduate introductory business courses. It covers the following topics in business: Teamwork; economics; ethics; entrepreneurship; business ownership, management, and leadership; organizational structures and operations management; human resources and motivating employees; managing in labor union contexts; marketing and pricing strategy; hospitality and tourism, accounting and finance, personal finances, and technology in business.
· Open Textbook Library - Growth and Competitive Strategy in 3 Circles - Many of the case examples in this book demonstrating applications of the 3-Circle model applications are from executives who have attended executive education training at the University of Notre Dame.
· BCcampus - Customer Centric Strategy - Customer centricity is about organizational transformation making the customer the focus for business decisions, processes, product development, services, and procedures.
· NSCC Libraries Pressbooks - The Evolving World of Public Relations - Is designed to give you a comprehensive introduction to public relations at no or very nominal cost.
· BCcampus - Business Writing for Everyone – This textbook is an inclusive guide to writing in the workplace. The book takes a process-oriented, storytelling approach to composition: focusing less on genre and more on the decisions that effective business communicators make.
· Pressbooks - BCcampus - Professional Business Practice - Essentials skills for success in the Canadian business environment.
· University of Houston - Business Computer Information Systems – A textbook on information systems within a business.
· Pressbooks - BCcampus - Business Presentation Skills 2020 – Speaking & Presentation Skills for Business
· Achieving the Dream - Introduction to Business – A textbook introducing business
· University of Kansas - Small Business Management - This textbook is a general introduction to managing a small business.
· Oregon State University - Business Writing Style Guide - It is the goal of this book to help students do the following: Apply basic concepts for effective and concise business writing; compile a well written report acceptable within a business context; follow a writing process designed for business students; demonstrate critical thinking, reasoning, and persuasion; communicate in writing using a business model; and apply resources for improving business writing skills.
· Ryerson University - Understanding Document Accessibility - Intended for a general audience, this free resource reviews a wide range of document authoring applications, including the tools they contain for creating accessible documents, and tests them to ensure they do not contain potential barriers. Learn how to create accessible word-processed documents, spreadsheets, presentation slides, and PDF documents, among others, so they are accessible to everyone.
· University of Victoria - Technical Writing Essentials - This open textbook is designed to introduce readers to the basics of technical communication: audience and task analysis in workplace contexts, clear and concise communications style, effective document design, teamwork and collaboration, and fundamental research skills.
· Seneca - Introduction to Business - This book is an adaptation of Introduction to Business originally published by OpenStax. This adapted version uses parts of material from eight chapters of the OpenStax book and the multiple-choice questions that accompany these chapters.
· Open Library Pressbooks - Business Math I: Fundamentals of Business Mathematics - Business Math I is aimed at university business students as an introduction to the mathematics required for the field of business. This textbook covers the fundamentals of business precalculus, finance, as well as the applications to general business management, human resources and the economy, marketing and accounting.
· Open Library Pressbooks - Beginning Excel - This textbook was written for a community college introductory course in spreadsheets utilizing Microsoft Excel. While the figures shown utilize Excel 2016, the textbook was written to be applicable to other versions of Excel as well. The book introduces new users to the basics of spreadsheets and is appropriate for students in any major who have not used Excel before.
· Open Library Pressbooks - Electronic Commerce: The Strategic Perspective - This book contains eight chapters. Chapter Two briefly describes the technology that makes electronic commerce possible, while Chapter Three introduces the topic of Web strategy. The major functions of marketing are described in the next five chapters: Promotion (Chapter Four); Promotion and Purchase (Chapter Five); Distribution (Chapter Six); Service (Chapter Seven); and Pricing (Chapter Eight). The final chapter takes a broader, societal perspective and discusses the influence of electronic commerce on society.
· Open Library Pressbooks - Accounting Principles: A Business Perspective – this textbook is mainly focused on managerial accounting.
· University of Prince Edward Island - Business Startup and Entrepreneurship: Canada - This OER textbook focuses on the foundations of entrepreneurship and starting a business. The text is divided from the theoretical underpinnings of the discipline; entrepreneurship traits and characteristics and the activities that precede starting a business.
· University of Prince Edward Island - Maritime Management: Micro and Small Businesses - This text offers a unique perspective on micro and small business management focusing on business within the Maritimes. This text aims to incorporate both the theoretical and practical applications of management activities to provide a better understanding and preparation for operating a business through clear illustrations and real-world examples.
Pressbooks - BCcampus - Presenter Toolkit - The Presenter Toolkit was created to support presenters in creating accessible and inclusive online and in-person presentations.
Pressbooks - Customer Centric Strategy - Customer centricity is about organizational transformation making the customer the focus for business decisions, processes, product development, services, and procedures.