Open Educational Resources
Open Educational Resources are free to use and offer students access to hundreds of quality academic papers, journals and books to help in your studies.
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Any questions or issues please contact our Librarian Luke Privitera -
OER Commons - Computer Ethics and the Online World - This PowerPoint presentation is a brief lecture about the introduction to computer ethics and its implications on the online community. Common ethical issues are presented and are retrieved from valid sources. Local ethical issues from the Philippines are given to provide viewers specific examples of concerns.
Open Textbook Library - The Business Ethics Workshop – This textbook covers the relevant ethical areas and theories within a business.
OpenStax - Business Ethics - is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester business ethics course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including case studies, application scenarios, and links to video interviews with executives, all of which help instill in students a sense of ethical awareness and responsibility.
Good Corporation, Bad Corporation: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Economy - This textbook provides an innovative, internationally-oriented approach to the teaching of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and business ethics.
BBC News - Volkswagen: The Scandal Explained – An Article on what Volkswagen was doing wrong in regard to carbon emissions.
The Conversation - How could VW be so dumb? Blame the unethical culture endemic in business - An article on what Volkswagen has done wrong.
Saylor Academy - The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business – This textbook is about both the legal and ethical environments that occur in a business setting.
ProQuest - Ethical Leadership: Creating and Sustaining an Ethical Business Culture – This textbook will help managers in being able to lead within an ethical framework within a business setting and decrease corporate risk.
University of Arkansas - Critical Employment, Ethical, and Legal Scenarios in Human Resources Development – This book provides mini-cases for HRD and other disciplines to use for engaging students in incident discussions. Exploring ways to solve problems and make decisions about situations that occur at work.
BCcampus - Ethical Use of Technology in Digital Learning Environments - This book is the result of a co-design project in a class in the Masters of Education program at the University of Calgary. The course, and the resulting book, focus primarily on the safe and ethical use of technology in digital learning environments.
OpenStax - Introduction to Intellectual Property - Introduction to Intellectual Property provides a clear, effective introduction to patents, copyright, trademarks, and trade secrets. The text may be used by students and instructors in formal courses, as well as those applying intellectual property considerations to entrepreneurship, marketing, law, computer science, engineering, design, or other fields.