Open Educational Resources
Open Educational Resources are free to use and offer students access to hundreds of quality academic papers, journals and books to help in your studies.
Make sure you have your ProQuest login details to hand. These can be found on Blackboard. Also, note you will be required to create a BookBoon account to access and download the textbooks.
Any questions or issues please contact our Librarian Luke Privitera -
Problem Solving & Decision Making
ProQuest - Decision Making and Problem Solving – This textbook guides students to have an understanding in how the mind works and the principles of effective thinking. As well as being aware of the relation between decision making and problem solving.
ProQuest - 101 Activities for Teaching Creativity and Problem Solving – this textbook provides activities for helping to teach creativity and problem solving
Open Textbook Library - Problem Solving in Teams and Groups – a textbook focusing on how to problem solve in teams and groups.
Bookboon - An Introduction to Business Research Methods – this textbook provides an introduction to business research for students but also prepares them to become research consultants.
Saylor Academy - Financial Empowerment: Personal Finance for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous People - Financial Empowerment is designed for a single-semester introduction to financial planning and decision-making, in order to provide first and second-year students with the necessary financial literacy and skills needed to make sound financial decisions, assess financial risk, and achieve financial success.