Open Educational Resources
Open Educational Resources are free to use and offer students access to hundreds of quality academic papers, journals and books to help in your studies.
Make sure you have your ProQuest login details to hand. These can be found on Blackboard. Also, note you will be required to create a BookBoon account to access and download the textbooks.
Any questions or issues please contact our Librarian Luke Privitera -
Open Textbook Library - The Missing Link: An Introduction to Web Development and Programming – This textbook aims to help developers with the concepts and fundamentals of web design and how they can be utilized in different languages.
BCcampus - Web Accessibility for Developers – Web Accessibility for Developers is a technical book aimed primarily at programmers.
BCcampus - Introduction to Web Accessibility – A textbook that focuses on learning to understand what access to the web is and entails and how to make it inclusive.
Adaptive Web Design – The web is ever-changing and this textbook gives a history of progressive enhancement the philosophy and the mechanisms involved. It also shows how these can be applied to HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Ryerson University - Professional Web Accessibility Auditing Made Easy - Digital accessibility skills are in high demand, as the world becomes more aware of barriers in digital content that prevent some people from participating in a digital society. These are essential skills for web developers, and essential knowledge for organizations that want to ensure their web content is reaching the broadest audience possible.
Ryerson University - Web Design Primer - The goal of the book is to provide students with a reference on some of the latest web design practices that is short and to-the-point, low-cost, and readily accessible.
University of Wisconsin - Developing Your Web Presence - This e-guide will explain the process of online image curation, explain how to showcase your professional qualifications online, and offer tips on website creation.